Monday, March 07, 2005



I know what the dictionary says about the word 'bliss'. It is commonly defined as 'complete happiness'; ' heaven', 'paradise'. When someone says that they are in 'a state of bliss' they usually mean that nothing, at that moment, could make them happier than whatever is going on. But what things give us bliss? For some it is money. For others it may be things. For the addict it is whatever the addiction needs. For many it is friends. And for most it is love. Yes, love. God gave us a wonderful gift in the gift of love. But not only is it a wonderful thing, but a thing that if one is lacking, it can bring great pain and hardship. For me, I know many different loves. There is the love I have for my family. There is the love I have for my friends. There is the love I have for someone in need. There is the love I have for God. But for this post, I will focus on just one.... the love I have for my wife and son.

CS Lewis said of 'Romantic Love':

"Love as distinct from 'being in love' is not merely a feeling. It is a deep unity, maintained by the will and deliberately strengthened by habit; reinforced by (in Christian Marriage) the grace which both partners ask, and receive, from God. They can have this love for each other at those moments when they do not like each other; as you love yourself even when you do not like yourself. They can retain this love even when each would easily, if they allowed themselves, be 'in love' with someone else. 'Being in love' first moved them to promise fidelity: this quieter love enables them to keep the promise. it is on this love that the engine of marriage is run: being in love was the explosion that started it."

He adds about 'the fall':
"A young man meets a girl. The whole world looks different when he sees her. Her voice reminds him of something he has been trying to remember all his life, and ten minutes' casual chat with her is more precious than all the favors that all the other women in the world could grant. He is, as they say, 'in love'.

Ever been there?

Such is my marriage. There was great passion at the start; one that still exists. But through the day to day activities and stresses of life, there is a quiet love that keeps Konnie and I close. One of the things that, sometimes quietly and sometimes not so quietly, keeps us 'in love' is our son Kaden. This brings me to my point of 'bliss'. The other night, I found my bliss: though I didn't know it was gone.

Our whole family has been struggling with various illnesses this early winter. On this particular night no one was feeling well; Kaden was coughing, I could barely talk and Konnie was ill just trying to keep us boys going. We generally don't keep 'normal hours' in our house. My job with the Railroad has never allowed for much of a schedule when it comes to bedtime. We are currently living with a 'family bed' arrangement, which we love. This means, we all sleep together. This night we all were laying in bed and it was about 2:00am. Konnie had lit some candles earlier that night and they were burning, giving us our only light. Kaden had been struggling to go to sleep. We were both wore out and drifting off, trying to help little Kaden get comfortable. Finally Kaden's medicine kicked in and we both noticed that he had fallen asleep. As our eyes began to drop for the night, the candlelight allowed us to gaze at one another for just a brief moment. We both looked at this wonderful gift from heaven, our son, then we looked at each other and smiled. It was at that moment that I found my bliss. The two people that I love the most on this earth, were lying next to me drifting off to dream wonderful dreams.

It is for this reason why I got married and wanted kids. It is moments like this that make low paychecks seem like not such a big deal. It's at times like these that I realize life is so good and I should be so grateful to God for all that I have. It is my bliss. What's yours? Find it if you don't know. It's probably right in front of you......

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