Sunday, October 08, 2006

What have I then?

While working a couple of trains the last two days, I was paired up with a young engineer that after recently divorcing his wife was now single. He seems like a good enough guy and is what I would call a 'country boy'. The first few miles of our run on the first day were very uneventful. We passed the time talking about Unions, contracts, other employees, etc. As we talked I noticed he was receiving a lot of text messages. He was trying to talk to me and also reply to the 'senders' of said messages. I inquired of him, 'who are texting?'. I really wished soon after that I would have just let it go without any questions asked for he proceeded to tell me all about these various girls that he was dating. There was the gal in Wichita (he finished all her calls with 'I love you too'), there was the gal in Kansas City and there seemed to be a neighbor gal involved that wasn't texting but he was receiving phone calls from other of our fellow employees asking if he had scored with her yet. I listened to this for some time; all while trying to read my CS Lewis book about the writings of George MacDonald. That's kind of like trying to eat a steak while the guy next to you is puking up his beer.

Finally, he ended his bragging session with a descriptioin of all the 'fun he has' (wink, wink) and with the declaration that 'I never got to do stuff like that when I was married. Bet you don't get to have that kind of fun do you married man? Are you happy being married?'

I wanted to answer him with a long answer. My mind proceeded with the following thoughts almost word for word:

"I have this white skinned beauty who is not only beautiful in the external but contains more inward beauty than anyone I've ever known. She laughs at my jokes, tolerates my rants, fixes awesome meals, takes care of our house, never complains whether we have money or not--has stuck with me in our worst times and been the cause of our best times. She cares for my two most precious treasures on earth, one is eight, the other is three. Whatever good they are is simply because of how good she is. She guards over them, teaches them, plays with them, encourages them, disciplines them and most of all laughs with them and prays for them.

When we are sick she comforts us, she medicates us, she cleans the sheets and towels, she brushes our hair and kisses our foreheads. She is both lover and friend. Both confidant and soldier. There is never a day come rain or shine when she doesn't warm us with a smile or soft word. She is a friend to all and enemy of none. She is creative and dazzles me with her eyes. If I was half the person she was, I'd be well on my way to being 'good'. Yeah, my lady is true. She is my rock and my lighthouse when all around me is rough and stormy. And she loves..... me'. I love 'er. Always have, always will.

I'm like any married man, I make some complaints. I'm not easy to live with. I have silly fantasies which disrespect her and I often think of the grass on the other side. But after thinking all that all I could say was, 'Yeah, I'm pretty darn happy'.

I'm blessed. So are you men of Troy. Now, go hug your wives.

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